
don’t reach for the bottle
don’t reach for the knife
don’t cut off your hair
don’t go pick a fight

don’t run to a stranger
don’t bother your friends
don’t count on your family
don’t trust yourself

don’t empty your savings
don’t go out at night
don’t visit the train tracks
don’t think of the heights


I’m deep underwater looking up at the world

unsure if I’m drowning or breathing just fine

everything seems so close yet so far

muffled, numbed, paralyzed, floating

weightless, shapeless, absent, heavy

should I be trying to escape?

should I just stay here?

Lost at home

I’m not real

At least that’s what it feels like

I can touch this world, smell it, hear it, taste it, see it

But I’m not here

I’m in my head

In my fantasies

In my stories

In my memories

I’m afraid any day soon

I’ll walk into these realities and swap places

With the poor placeholder I put through a million variations

Forever stuck suffering my own whims

How do I find my way back to myself


He sighs with all of her body and blinks his tears away with her lashes.
Her chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath.
The mirror laughs at him as it shows her reflection.
Healthcare says Miss is trans.
And calls him by her name.

How much longer until he can take his shirt off?
And Sir gets stopped at TSA?
When will the mirror show the truth?
His body fully his.
Nobody remembering her name.